Category Archives: Working in Healthcare

working in Healthcare

Just in case you have been living under a rock somewhere, or you really have no friends or family that work in healthcare, we really are not ok! It is a struggle to be able to work in this crazy field. You cannot make up this 💩 I assure you! My particular area of expertise is the operating room. I have done just about every surgery besides organ transplants for over 20 years now and believe you me I could write a book that would horrify, mystify, and totally have milk squirting out your nose from the comedy show that erupts on this particular stage. Yes, we listen to music. Yes, we tell jokes but one of funniest things that goes on is the insane behavior of the surgeons. There is no other job in this country ( at least in this century) where the behavior of a, for lack of better word, CO-WORKER can act like this in a place of business without getting the shit smacked out of them or fired. The people I work with, myself included, go to school many years and we pay a lot of money for these degrees to watch a full-grown man have a temper tantrum over the position of a light. I mean I would be completely embarrassed if my children behaved as these immensely educated and highly respected individuals acted in our Operating Rooms. Not all of them are like this. There are a lot of great Surgeons who I am proud to have worked with. I will never forget one of the first Doctors I worked with straight out of college. My first Job. I was so excited and nervous back then, not jaded from this profession. We had to do a case nobody particularly likes, the hemorrhoid. The patient, a big, huge harry man, placed on his belly with buttocks high in the air. Now for the life of me I can’t remember why this patient was not put to sleep, he was awake for this. I guess the Doctor was unaware of this information because he busted through the back door of the OR like Kramer would on an episode of Seinfeld and put his arm out in the air and shouted, ” MY WHAT A HARRY ASS THAT IS”. My innocent eyes could not have grown any bigger as I signaled to him the patient in fact was awake. So embarrassed he had to leave the way he came and didn’t come back for some time. AHH the good old days. I have got a million crazy stories and I would love to hear some of yours. Drop me a line sometime. 👌