Self Improvement

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Your mind believes what you tell it, so tell it positive things,

Jennifer Milius

To rearrange your positive, you need to change the way you think. How many times a day does your brain give you a negative thought? Have you really ever kept tract? We are always telling ourselves we need to be healthy; we need to check in with our diet. Well, what if I told you that your diet is not just the food you eat. It is the people that you surround yourself with. It is the books you read. the things you hear and the thoughts that you think. Your health is much more than your body. It is your mind. The two are connected. What if I told you I totally changed my life in three years. I did a lot of self-work. In the beginning it wasn’t easy. Like learning to ride a bike, it takes practice to teach your brain to stop with the negative thinking. You attract what you think. Affirmations are a big part of what you can do to help yourself change that negative talk. Some of the books that really helped me: The Secret by Rhonda Byrne. The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz. The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle. These are some of the books I read that started me on my journey. What are some books that have helped you? Write them in the comments.