Dating 2.0

man and woman in front of horizon
Photo by Josh Willink on

“Do you think the universe fights for souls to be together? Some things are too strange and strong to be coincidences”

Dating in this new modern world can be very confusing and tiring. With social media and instant gratification, how does one date? I hear many people complain that they miss how things use to be. Dating was simpler and more romantic in earlier times. Face to face interactions and hand written letters evokes a nostalgia that I believe people still want. Is it out there?

I have been dating this summer in a more unconventional way. I met someone organically who just so happens to be 21 years younger than me. Yes. You read that correctly. 21 years younger. Now I do not look like my age as I find most people from my generation and very youthful in our looks. This man who has taken me out on dates has shown me that this kind of dating still exists. I really had thought that ideal of dating was dead. In one particular date, I had found myself in a beautiful park, in a gazebo, at sunset with this man. The park was filled with all kinds of people enjoying the day as a picturesque scene from a classic movie. Here we are in this gazebo. He puts on old romantic music and then calls for my hand to slow dance with him. I was stunned and a little embarrassed at first. I took his hand and started dancing. I said to him that people didn’t do this anymore. He replied “but they should”. He is right. This is what is lost. this is what I think we are all searching for.

The universe has a funny of showing you things. This romance always had an expiration date as I am leaving in 2 weeks to go back home to my state and go back to my real life once again. He has made me remember things I have forgotten. Feelings of love that has been lost to time. He does not understand that we really could never have been. I am done with having children and that is a gift I could never take away from him. He has big dreams and so do I. We would only distract ourselves from those dreams. A forbidden romance for sure yet it was a romance none the less. I wrote him this poem and I know he will find the love he deserves. I wish him such a happiness and it gives me hope that I will find love again.

“To feel again these lost forgotten emotions. I remember what it felt like. To dance, be held. I almost let it get away with me. When I feel in your eyes.”